
Sunday Morning Service

Our Sunday morning service begins at 9:30 am and goes until noon with a break in the middle. The first portion of the service consists of a time of singing hymns and praise songs and then a time of ministry from the Word of God. During this first hour, there is also a children's Sunday school program.We then have a 20-30 minute break and then transition into a time of worship where it is open for any of the men of the church to lead the congregation in worship by suggesting a hymn, reading an appropriate portion of scripture with brief comments and/or offer a prayer of worship.
This portion of the service culminates with the celebration of the Lord's Supper where we share in taking bread and wine (grape juice), the emblems that Christ requested his followers to use to remember him. By doing this we are deliberately commemorating his death and resurrection for us and at the same time, proclaiming that Jesus is alive and is coming again.
At the very end of the service, we take a few minutes for announcements and to share any praise or prayer requests.
Things to note:
1) The entire service will be live-streamed via Zoom for those unable to attend in person.
2) Nursery services for children 3 and under will be available.
3) Visitors are welcome. However participation in the emblems of the Lord's Supper is for committed followers of the Lord Jesus Christ only. If you are not a Christian or are unsure of your spiritual standing please pass the emblems by when they are passed to you.

Who We Are

We are a group of local people from different backgrounds, ages, life experiences with one thing in common. Jesus Christ.
He has changed our lives and meeting Him is the greatest thing that has ever happened to us!
We make a big deal about worshiping Him and reading and studying His message to us, the Bible.
If you would like to learn more about what it means to be a Christian, this short video clip explains what it is all about.

Our Statement of Faith

1. The Holy Scriptures, as originally given by God, are divinely inspired, infallible, entirely trustworthy, and constitute the only supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
2. There is one God, eternally existent in three Persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
3. Our Lord Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh; we affirm His virgin birth, sinless humanity, divine miracles, vicarious and atoning death, bodily resurrection, and ascension, and His ongoing mediatorial work on behalf of believers. We also affirm His imminent, personal return for His church and to the earth to reign in power and glory.
4. Each member of the human race is fallen, sinful, and lost, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for salvation. Redemption is wholly by the blood of Christ, and salvation is by grace, through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Every person who truly repents and believes becomes a child of God. They are immediately justified, sanctified, and sealed with the Holy Spirit and possess eternal life. The Bible uses the term "saved" or "believers" to describe such people.
5. The Holy Spirit indwells believers and empowers them to live a godly life, to witness and to work for the Lord Jesus Christ.
6. Ultimately God will judge the living and will resurrect the dead. Those who are saved will inherit eternal life, those who are not saved will suffer eternal separation from God.

Sandy McEachern

Sandy McEachern grew up in Drayton, studied at Wilfrid Laurier, taught at EDSS and now owns and operates a local real estate development company.
Come hear Sandy give a brief talk about the importance of building our lives on a relationship with Jesus.

Day Camp 2024
Aug 6 - 9, 2024

Day Camp for 2024 has ended. Check this space in the next few months for info on Day Camp 2025.

Sunday Sermons

Most of our Sunday sermons are recorded and can be watched on our YouTube channel. Visit our channel HBF Church to view.
We hope to have an audio archive of past messages available here soon.

Contact Us

If you would like more information, a link to our Zoom service or would like us to pray for you, please complete this form.

Thanks very much for contacting us.

The New Testament teaches that a group of elders are to provide overall spiritual leadership and care for each church or congregation of believers. Acts 14:23; 22:17, 28; Phil. 1:1; Titus 1
Following is a description of the biblical qualifications and duties of elders in the local church.
QUALIFICATIONS OF ELDERSA full list of the qualifications of elders is found in 1 Tim. 3:1-7; 2 Tim. 2:24-26; Titus 1:5-9; 1 Peter 5:1-5. It is to be noted that the qualifications for elders relate mainly to character and maturity: not ability or giftedness.Different individuals may hold these qualifications in varying degrees. The list should not be treated as a simple black & white “checklist”, rather it is a composite picture of spiritual maturity to which all Christians should aspire. They are listed however as basic requirements for elders:
a) Must have the desire to do the work of an elder. 1 Pet. 5:2, 1 Tim. 3:1
b) Should have an exemplary home life or family.
c) Should be a man of steady, proven character, with a solid reputation both within the church fellowship and community.
d) Should be able to teach (not necessarily publicly, be he should have a sound grasp of the Scriptures and be able to explain the Word of God to others).
e) May not be a novice or recent convert. It is to be noted that age is not the determining factor but rather spiritual maturity is what matters. Timothy possessed this maturity as a younger man.
f) Must not be quarrelsome but gentle. He should not be self-willed.
g) Should have demonstrated that he is free from the love of money and possessions.
h) Should be free from enslavement to alcoholic or other addictive behaviours.
Each elder must be able to teach and lead but it must be recognized that not all have the same degree of giftedness in spheres of teaching and leadership. Some will have more public roles than others because of the diversity of gifts the Holy Spirit offers.DUTIES OF ELDERS
1. Pastoral Care
a) Know the people and be hospitable. 1 Timothy 3:2
b) Pray for the congregation. James 5:14; Acts 6:4
c) Minister the Word in various ways. 1 Tim. 3:2; 5:17; Titus 1:9
d) Be an example of Christian maturity. 1 Peter 5:3
e) Care for individuals with special needs. Ezekiel 34:1-6; John 10:11
f) Provide direction for individuals. Acts 20:28
g) Protect the church from false teaching or harmful influences. Acts 20:28-31; Titus 1:9
2. Leadership–Acts 20:28; I Timothy 5:17
a) Elders must provide direction within the congregation
• Its spiritual nurture and life
• Its outreach
• Its worship
• Its relationships
b) Elders must provide direction for the future of the congregation
• By sensing the direction in which the Spirit is leading us.
• By setting vision and goals in accordance with Scripture, with prudence and faith.
• By communicating with the congregation in such a manner that we are able to move forward together to the work that He is calling us to.
The raising up of spiritual leaders involves a blending of Divine activity with human responsiveness. God not only raises up leaders, but He causes them to be recognized as such by others. Moses–Ex. 4:14-16, 14:31; 19:9; Joshua–Josh. 3:7; 4:14; Samuel–I Sam. 3:19-20; David–I Sam. 23:17; 24:20; I Chron. 17:7; Ps. 18:43-45; Paul & Barnabas–Acts 13:1-2

Guest Speaker: Matthew Klumpenhouwer
I am a follower of Christ, married for 26 years and have been blessed with 6 children.
Over the years I have worked as a farmer, logger, welder, Ministry of Labour officer and now a pastor.
What can I say?
Although I’ve always said that I followed Jesus, this wasn’t always true in my heart.
Life has been an experience of learning to trust God, from years of struggling with pornography, pride and selfish- ness, to losing a brother in Afghanistan, death of my father, my 16-year-old son with cancer, followed by my wife with cancer... these are but a handful of the things God has used to shape and mold me. God has proven faithful and reliable through every year and is worthy to be worshipped.